Inspiration Blog

From inspiring words, to articles by our members, the Alighten blog is here to share the latest information on our activities.  Also read about tips for living in optimal health, and articles about holistic education.

Womens Circle

A woman recently asked me, what do women do at a women's circle? Although to completely cover what it feels like to be surrounded by other women sharing their stories is impossible, I’ll do my best to convey.

June 22nd 2022
Why Float Therapy Is a Trend That Is Here to Stay

Earlier this week, we at Alighten provided some general information about the alternative healing technology called the Energy Enhancement System, invented by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael.

June 14th 2022
What is the Energy Enhancement System and How it Could Change Your Life

Contrary to popular belief, the current healthcare system in America, as well as in many other countries, do not always have patients’ best interests at heart.

June 13th
How can you best support your body when you catch a cold?

There are many ways we can support our bodies naturally during a cold, and this post will discuss some useful tips for how we can care for ourselves while sick.

February 19th 2022
You Have The Freedom To
Protect your Freedoms!

During this time of co-vid mandated control, some of us have been unable to visit our loved ones in the hospital. We are required to take the invasive

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