Welcome to our portfolio of Ebook offerings!

We have so many potential ways as parents and educators to deliver our learning plans, content, inspirations and guidance to our audience, whether families, teachers or children.

We are here to help you on your journey of discovery for the right tools and resources. We can help you sift through the ‘mire of too much choice’ by tuning into what speaks to your heart and then setting your course to discover MORE!

We offer Ebooks to use as tools for reference, templates to plan ahead and resonant aesthetic to drive your curiosity to learn MORE! about these modalities. Each book has the same process in common that you will be able to recognize should you choose to opt in for MORE! than one ebook.

MORE Waldorf Inspired Ebook Image Our first edition of the MORE! Waldorf Inspired Ebook was inspired by decades of experience working with the Waldorf curriculum and applying it to a home-learning environment.

The second ebook, MORE! Farm POD Ebook was grown out of a real time experience of inventing a program out of necessity in hard times on a farm. This method is tried-and-true and still in use today.


Threshold Web Design Graphics2PLAYBOOK/ WORKBOOKS

From here you can explore our next offer of the THRESHOLD PLAYBOOK with a donation of $7.56. This will help you set things in motion at a higher level of development and commitment to your family’s own learning path. 


We have coming up several more Ebooks, Playbooks and educational templates with different pedagogical philosophies and practical applications to share with you all from our own experiences opening programs built on these principles. Look forward to our updates and when we release the next ones.

© 2025 Alighten