Full Moon Lodge

My deepest intention with holding this container for Women to have Moon Lodge is to assist with the rebalancingof masculine and feminine energies in the collective consciousness.  This balance, or lack thereof, shows up in many different ways for all of us, and it is about finding this balance within ourselvesfirst, then allowing it to manifest in our outer experience.

I welcome you to take the journey of experiencing reality to its fullest with the contrast of hot and cold, earth and fire, in a togetherness that we may bring our individual experience to life.  We welcome the five directions, the five elements, our ancestors, assisting angels and spirit guides to be present with us on this journey. 

If there are ways you are weak, lodge will help you grow stronger.  If there are ways you find fear controls your decisions, put your prayers in tobacco in the fire. 

Oftentimes we become lost when we forget our spiritual nature, connecting with one another in Lodge can help rekindle our feeling of Home within ourselves. 

To experience this ancient practice of sweat lodge is a blessing, it is a even more of a blessing to host this sacred practice. It is ultimate grounding and uplifting spiritually as we pray, sing and sweat together. This can be detoxifying for the body, purifying for the spirit and connecting for us emotionally as we allow ourselves to be uncomfortable in the lodge so we may live a better life.  We ask for a donation of $50 to attend lodge.  You are welcome to message Amber at 425-470-0685 or email alightenministries at protonmail dot com.

We welcome women to join this upcoming Full Moon

Sign up HERE

We welcome all to join for our weekly Sunday co-ed Temezcal lodges in Duvall, Washington.

Monday March 25 - Midnight pst  — Worm Moon

Tuesday April 23 - 4:39 pst  — Pink Moon

Thursday May 23 - 6:53 a.m. — Flower Moon

Friday June 21 — 9:08 p.m. — Strawberry Moon

Saturday July 20th (full moon is July 21 — 6:17 a.m est.)— Buck Moon  

Monday August 19 - 11:26 p.m. — Sturgeon Moon

Tuesday September 17 - 7:34 p.m. — Corn Moon

Wednesday October 16th (full moon is Oct. 17 — 4:26 a.m.) — Hunter’s Moon 

Friday November 15 -1:28 p.m. — Beaver Moon

Saturday December 14th (full moon is Dec. 15 — 1:02 a.m.)  Cold Moon 

© 2024 Alighten