MORE! Farm POD Ebook

MORE Waldorf Inspired Ebook Image

Inside this ebook you will find samples of classroom work that have been collected from various Threshold Learning Centres aka TLC's. These programs can pop up virtually anywhere! See if you can build a program too, read more in our ebook MORE!

Our first edition of the MORE! Waldorf Inspired Ebook was inspired by decades of experience working with the Waldorf curriculum and applying it to a home-learning environment.

MORE! Waldorf Inspired Ebook was grown out of a real-time experience of inventing a program out of necessity in hard times on a farm. This method is tried-and-true and still in use today.

We have coming up, several more Ebooks with different pedagogical philosophies and practical applications to share with you all from our own experiences opening programs built on these principles. Look forward to our updates and when we release the next ones.

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